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Services Provided by tape + disc
We provide a wide range of services to fit the individual needs of our clients. Please contact your service representative for any additional information regarding your needs.

Replication of Compact Discs, CD-Roms, DVDs - We offer high quality products based on your masters. Our state of the art replication facilities provide the best possible quality for the best price.

Duplication of Audio Cassettes and VHS tapes - Only tape + disc can provide the unmatched expertise of the duplication process. We guide you step by step through the process so your final project is sure to get attention.

Graphic Design Creative Packaging, Web Sites, Promotional Posters - Don't over look this invaluable part of your marketing strategy. Our top-level graphic designers can create for you a unique and eye catching way to promote your sound to the international market.

Product Packaging for Audio, Video, Software, DVD and Audio Books - Any successful musician can tell you if you want to get noticed, get professional. Give some "shelf appeal" to your product with our award-winning graphic design team.

Audio Books Abridgement, Casting, Recording, Editing, Scoring, Manufacturing - As a young company Tape + Disc began editing, producing and replicating audio books for worldwide distributors. We have the expertise, knowledge and staff to give your product the attention it deserves.


Nathan Bello

Sherri Youngward

Esther Project
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